Thursday, May 31, 2012

MQ front and uncovered 5/31 with sugar water feeder.

A frame from MQ 5/31 showing some capped brood and larvae. So she IS laying.
Started blog

64 deg and overcast. Calm wind. Good activity on all hives.

1430 Pulled frames from MQ hive and did good look and photo
session. In two weeks since last photos, since 5/18, they
don't seem to have expanded frame surfaces, but there is
capped brood and new larvae. So appears like new queen is
now getting started. Given the number of bees, there is a
fair amount of foraging. Started to sprinkle just as i
was finishing up and putting the top back on.

FEED: MQ sugar water down now to about 40% since 5/29 (3 days).

(NOTE: "MQ" refers to the 'Miracle Queen', who survived a series of mischances to make up this emergency, substitute, hive. It just happened.)

Snow and lilacs

'Swarm' hive in remnants of snow with blooming lilacs. Pic probably taken on May 27.