Friday, March 29, 2013

Cybernetics and Painting

The author of this paper, Cybernetics and Painting, Frank Galuszka, uses cybernetics in a way i have not encountered. The paper, Cybernetics and Painting is enlightening.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mandala No 2

Tissue and other paper on card stock, approx 6" x 9"
I'll release these, while they last, on Arthur's schedule, Tues and Thurs.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Swarm Hive Activity

Breezy, sunny, and 51 deg. Swarm hive out foraging in small numbers. If they're bringing in pollen it's very small amounts.

Have not touched the honey frame or pollen patty as of 2 days ago.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

MQ Hive Gone

Chris/Maggie's report on the MQ hive. Didn't make it. There were signs of life just 10 days ago, but now everyone is dead.

"These are shots [below] of the Miracle Queen hive 3-20-2013.
All the bees you see are dead. Some are in a cluster, dying as they
tried to keep warm but on empty comb. A few are out on the honey
elsewhere and died alone. So sad to die alone. The brood area was
empty except for a few squishy larvae that just looked like white
blobs in the cells."

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Old Painting, Changes

Made a big change to an old painting. Should be juuuusssst about done with this one.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Checking the Hives

Swarm hive has finished up the bit of comb i put in on 3/2, so i moved over a fairly good looking med frame 80% full of honey into the feed super. They are still not touching the pollen patty.

Bees on hair trigger when you reach into the feed chamber (above inner cover). Probably because they are using the bore hole in that box for the main entry and exit. Also using a mid level bore hole, and a few bees going in and out, and cleaning up, from the entrance on the base.

Swarm Hive 'feed chamber' above the inner cover. Bees are all over/in the inner cover opening. Bees on some comb from the dead hive.

Over on the other side of town, the scene is happy and productive, bees still have honey, although the middle hive is just about out, judging from top box. Put pollen patties in all hives, and sugar water jars.
Chris in bee suit with hives. Mt Helena in background.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Swarm Hive Active

Cleaned off the inner cover of swarm hive and got chased for my trouble. Put on the bee hat and finished up. Put some comb with honey extracted in to see if they'd be interested.

Sunny, calm, and 56 deg, as nice as it's been so far. Several dozen flyers, some coming as far as the kitchen window. Yipee!

Got about 40 lb of honey out of the scavanged frames from the dead (pkg) hive.