Monday, July 22, 2013

Retro Cup

This guy at the farmer's market, headed to college this fall, had a couple of these cups. They're slip mould porcelain that look like the old Melmac plastic mugs. The color is appropriate. The price was right. Maybe only Liz will really appreciate how cool this is.

Meanwhile, a little work in progress, below.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Bees are HOT

This photo is typical for the 'Swarm hive' the last couple of days. Temps in the mid to high 90s, with lots and lots of sun. I don't think this is a sign of swarming, there are just too many bees for the temperature. The Maria hive also has bees hanging out on the porch, but not like this!
They were still working on the top super the other day. Better check again soon.