What's happening in this painting? What should be added? (Hint: on the left is a mirror, not a window. Actually a window seen in a mirror. Outside the window are several neon lights. In the final version, the various neon colors will dance across the wall, blue, red, and resulting purple. This version is the monochrome under-painting.)
Here are some things to add, not listed in order of merit. What would you add? ? ?
* A vase of wilted flowers, petals on the floor.
* A scattering of origami creatures.
* Cut out, wadded newspaper on the floor; on the table a page with cutout words from the newspaper taped into crude lines; a pair of scissors; a scotch tape dispenser.
* A bathrobe, white terry, dragged across the floor to the open door ajar, or dropped in a heap in front of the door ajar.
* An old bakelite phone, off hook.
P * L * E * A * S * E send me your ideas.