Saturday, July 14, 2012

MQ Hive goes on vacation

The Miracle Queen hive was moved across town this morning at 0600. Despite the early hour there were some bees out that didn't make the trip. Maybe a dozen. Sealed them up, strapped the hive together and trucked them about 3 miles away. Chris and Maggie helped me with this. Mainly, with the kayak carrier in the truck it's hard to put heavy packages in the bed, so enjoyed the help, AND the breakfast afterwards. The girls weren't real happy with the move. The instant the tape was pulled away they came boiling out, but not in attack formation. They came out and were probably prepared to sting someone, but we backed away a few feet and no one was threatened.

In a week we'll truck them back to Chris' yard, where they will be merged with his swarm hive. Which queen to keep???!

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