Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bad Bee Situation

Both hives had a large number of dead, damp, bees on the
bottom of the hive, although i don't believe the entrance
was blocked entirely in either case. Swept all the bees
out that i could. The floor of the hive was damp in
both cases. Taking the top off the swarm hive, i discovered
there were some live bees up at the inner cover oval,
moving and effectively covering the opening,
so i replaced the top and left it there. There wasn't
any response at the entrance to my scraping around, so i
was surprised at the live bees. No telling how many there
are. There were at least several hundred bees swept out
of each hive.

Looking into the package hive, there appear to be no
live bees there. Inside appears to be slightly damp all
around. Dead bees scattered throughout the top box. I
removed one frame and used a flash light to peer down into
the hive, and could see all the way to the bottom.
They didn't die from lack of honey, it appears that all
the frames in the upper box are full of capped honey.
Probably the queen died, or from lack of pollen they
were not able to reproduce. Will get back into the
hive next sunny warm day and see what can be salvaged
and make sure it dries out.  Removed the top box, used
for feeding, and put that in the garage. Put the top
cover over the inner cover.

High temp today low 40s. Except for a week or two of
fairly cold weather, temperatures have been moderate
all winter.

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