Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Some Confused Bees

Some loaded bees trying to find entrance that no longer exists.

Temp 71 or higher this afternoon and sunny. Reconfigured the Swarm hive by removing the lowest hive body (H1) and setting it aside. Removed bottom board and replaced with cleaned one. Bees all in the top super (S) and hive
body (H2) immediately below that. Restacked as:

top cover
inner cover
hive body (new box and 9 frames saved from package hive)
hive body (H2)      <--- lots of bees here
super (S)           <--- most bees here
bottom board

The S and H2 boxes seemed clean and very busy and mostly full of bees.  There is an adequate amount of honey until things blossom, and also the new top box has several frames worth of honey. Capped brood in the middle 2 frames of S, about 10%, and maybe 5% in the middle frames of H2.

Cleaned out dead bees from hive body (H1) and put aside.

Bees very confused about the opening now and even 3 hours later are having some difficulty adjusting to that. They are bringing in good quantities of yellow pollen.

Also went out to 2 remaining hives at Dave's and adjusted leanings, fed with sugar water, etc. They have not touched the pollen patties either.

Another bee that found the pollen patty very interesting.

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